Make Sure to Get the Premium Protection

When picking my through the =””>ADT packages for home security, I quickly homed in on their Premium Protection plan. It’s their best plan, and there is a reason why that is the case. You get all the standard features they offer with all their other plans, such as backup batteries, digital keypads, a motion detector, and door and window sensors. Those are essential and good things, but what I liked about the premium plan is that you can use your smartphone to do all sorts of things with the alarm system. This is important to me for several reasons.

The biggest reason is that I’m away from home a lot. I work a high stress job in the city and that entails a huge amount of hours spent at my desk every week. There have been times I’ve slept in my office due to the high work load of this job. Being away from home a lot means that you’re a target for thieves. People notice when there isn’t a lot of activity going on at a house. I do my best to leave lights on and other things that would signal someone is home, but I don’t always remember to do it.

That is the reason I picked the premium security system. It has everything, but it also has remote control through your smartphone. I can literally arm the alarm system when I’m anywhere in the city. I can also turn it off, make adjustments, and even control the thermostat with a few finger movements. It’s absolutely amazing that you can do this and now that I can do this it’s impossible that I’d ever get rid of the security system. The sense of security you get from this package is well worth the cost (which is very reasonably priced I might add).

Author: shl