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Unlike chinese, 10 shameless lazy google, tata sponsored sex worker, fraud R&AW/cbi employees refuse to legally purchase domain names, yet falsely claim ownership

Google, tata’s financial fraud on a google competitor competing with google adwords since 2010

India and china have hostile relations many times, yet chinese are honest enough to pay the market price of domain names and get them legally transferred to their name, However the google, tata employees who involved in a major sex, bribery racket, financial fraud since 2010 on the domain investor are refusing to pay the market price of domain names, yet falsely claim that their favorite goan sex worker, fraud R&AW/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree, who do not spend any money on domain , own the domain names, so that the sex workers, frauds get a monthly indian government salary at the expense of the real domain investor.

The google competitor, domain investor has never asked these 10 google, tata supplied goan sex worker, fraud R&AW/cbi employees for any help at any stage, however the ntro employees led by the fraud puneet, are falsely claiming to help (when actually they are doing everything to cause losses), and then falsely claiming that these goan sex worker, fraud R&AW/cbi employees like nayanshree hathwar, sunaina, veena, ridddhi, siddhi, who do not spend any money on domain names , own the domain names of a private citizen, who these ntro employees hate

The ntro employees are very status conscious and consider the domain investor to be a very low status person, so why are they interfering in her life of the domain investor, falsey claiming to help her, to get their favorite goan sex worker, fraud R&AW/cbi employees a monthly salary, great powers at the expense of the domain investor.
Any tips to make these powerful fraud ntro employees stop interfering and honestly admit that their real girlfriends are only call girls, housewives and frauds , not domain investors will be greatly appreciated

Greedy Fraud government employees in goa refuse to pay market price for domain names, yet make fake claims

One of the main problems faced by domain investors in goa is that shameless Greedy Fraud government employees in goa refuse to pay market price for domain names, yet make fake claims to get great powers, a monthly salary at the expense of the domain investor. Even NTRO mumbai acknowledges that google, tata sponsored goan gsb frauds riddhi nayak. siddhi mandrekar are making fake claims about domain ownership, yet these greedy women are shameless liars, cheaters

Domain investors are private citizens who are investing their hard earned money in domain names, they are not getting any kind of subsidy or any help from the government , they are spending a lot of their time and money to pay for the renewals .

In fact goan government employees like gsb fraud caro, nayak, mandrekar,bhandari pritesh chodan are some of the most shameless section 420 frauds in the world falsely claiming that their lazy greedy sex worker, cheater relatives riddhi nayak, siddhi mandrekar, sunaina chodan, who do not spend any money online on domain names, own the domain names of a private citizen, single woman bhandari engineer.

Most of the domains are not making more than $3 a month, and a large number of these domains do not have any revenues monthly, so the cost of renewal of the domains is more than the revenues of the domain names. Many domains which are making a little amount of money , will stop making money after some time, as the ads are being cancelled. In fact the domain investor is making more money writing content in 2018 when she is not travelling, than from any ad network indicating that domains are not a lucrative investment, and many expenses have to be paid.

Yet bribed by google, tata, the extremely corrupt greedy goan government employees are abusing their powers thinking that they are doing citizens a great favor, allowing them to register and own domain names, when it is only a major expense as renewal fees have to paid, causing great losses.

Haryana cheater R&AW employee blackmailer mba hr ruchika king faking ownership of websites, domains

Haryana cheater R&AW employee blackmailer mba hr ruchika king who looks like miss world manushi chillar is faking ownership of websites, domains in a major online, banking fraud since 2010 which can be proved checking her income tax records

Google, tata are the top fraud tech companies in the world pampering and promoting the Google, tata sponsored greedy Haryana blackmailer R&AW employee mba hr ruchika king from karnal haryana , working in the hr department of deloitte as an online expert to get her a raw salary at the expense of a harmless single woman engineer ,domain investor

the shameless Google, tata sponsored greedy Haryana blackmailer R&AW employee mba hr ruchika king who looks like manushi chillar has never done any work online, never invested any money online,only had her shameless fraud boyfriends like puneet extort money from a google competitor and falsely claim that the haryana crook with a 2007 bsc degree was their btech 1993 ee classmate

After extorting money and stealing the resume, savings of the google competitor haryana crook ruchika has refused to reply to the google competitor whose resume she stole to get the R&AW job. The crooked raw employee also refuses to pay the market price and purchase the domain names, yet she falsely claims to own the paypal, bank account of the google competitor to get a monthly R&AW salary since 2010 at the expense of the google competitor, single woman engineer and domain investor , who has very less money because of the online fraud

Why is the Google, tata sponsored greedy Haryana blackmailer R&AW employee mba hr ruchika king falsely claiming to be associated with the single woman engineer who she looted with the help of her cheater sugar daddies, denying the engineer, the income and opportunities she deserved.

This proves that deloitte employee Google, tata sponsored greedy Haryana blackmailer R&AW employee mba hr ruchika king is worse than nigerian fraudsters and should be avoided at all cost

Fraud ntro employee j srinivasan refuses to purchase .in domain names for his favorite goan bhandari panaji prostitute sunaina chodan, who he got a R&AW job

R&AW is not rated highly worldwide among intelligence agencies , because it is notorious worldwide for its endless financial,paypal, domain frauds on harmless hardworking indian citizens, domain investors and pampering lazy greedy sex workers, cheater housewives and other frauds like google, tata sponsored goan bhandari R&AW employee sex worker sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc and who with the help of her powerful fraud sugar daddy j srinivasan, shamelessly, falsely claimed to own the domain names of the google competitor, single woman engineer with the help of fraud companies allegedly google, tata to get the R&AW job at the expense of the google competitor

In 2018, though the google, tata sponsored goan bhandari R&AW employee sex worker sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc , has got a R&AW salary for 5 years for her DOMAIN, FINANCIAL FRAUD, goan bhandari sex worker sunaina and her associates are shameless GREEDY section 420 frauds and liars , refuse to pay market price of .in domain names to the google competitor, and get the domains legally transferred to their name

Instead the section 420 fraud google, tata sponsored goan bhandari R&AW employee sex worker sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc and her lovers, sugar daddies like the shameless fraud brahmin j srinivasan, want the google competitor to pay all the expenses and then shamelessly, falsely claim to own the domains in a major BANKING FRAUD to get a monthly government salary

The fraud j srinivasan, also does not have the humanity and honesty to admit that he lied about .in domain ownership and his favorite goan bhandari panaji prostitute sunaina chodan, who he got a R&AW job , is only interested in having sex with powerful men, not in investing in domain names, taking the risk, investing her time and money as google, tata, ntro, goan and indian government have shameless pampered the goan call girl for her sex services.

Selling domains is the best revenge on R&AW,cbi, NTRO, google, tata fraud employees

The only way to end the financial fraud of R&AW,cbi, NTRO, google, tata employees on the google competitor, domain investor since 2010, is to sell at least some domains annually .

These shameless greedy frauds want the google competitor to do all the work, pay all the expenses and then falsely claim that their lazy greedy goan sex worker, cheater housewife and other fraud employees who do not spend any money, do not do any work own the domain names to get all these frauds a monthly salary while the real domain investor is not getting anything in a major banking fraud of the indian government.

Atleast the cost of renewal of the domain will not be incurred as ntro, raw, cbi employees are shameless section 420 frauds and liars

Google, tata sponsored sex worker, fraud R&AW/cbi employees purchase expensive new vehicles, refuse to pay market price of domain names, websites

When the shameless section 420 fraud google,tata, ntro employees began their online sex, bribery racket, financial fraud on the google competitor, domain investor in 2010 the liar, FRAUD google, tata, ntro employees justified their financial fraud, resume theft saying that the expensive domains and websites should be owned by good looking women.
However the section 420 fraud google,tata, ntro employees getting a monthly salary, forgot the fact that the domains and websites have a market value, and anyone who really wishes to legally own the domain names should pay the market price of the domain names to the domain investor and get it transferred to their name legally as is the practice worldwide .
Now for more than 4-6 years the 10 google, tata sponsored sex worker, cheater housewife and other fraud R&AW/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree,paypal account,domain,website ownership, are getting a monthly indian government salary, cheating and exploiting the google competitor
Now all these 10 google, tata sponsored sex worker, cheater housewife and other fraud R&AW/cbi employees have plenty of money and are purchasing new vehicles, clothes and other items, yet they are refusing to pay the market price of the domain, websites and get them legally transferred to their name
For example some of the google,tata sponsored domain fraudster R&AW/cbi employees
Goan gsb fraud R&AW employee sex worker siddhi mandrekar has purchased a new car costing at least Rs 3 lakh, yet refuses to pay any money for domain names ,yet wants to claim credit and get a monthly government salary for making fake claims.
Goan bhandari fraud R&AW employee sex worker sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc has purchased a yamaha fascino costing at least Rs 50000, AA1430, new clothes, shoes, bags, has dyed her hair blonde, refuses to pay any money for domain names ,yet wants to claim credit and get a monthly government salary for making fake claims.
Gujju eighth standard pass cbi employee housewife naina, mother of two sons,parmar premika has purchased a red maruti suzuki brezza L2233 in January 2018, yet refuses to pay any money for domain names, websites ,yet wants to claim credit and get a monthly government salary for making fake claims.

Detailed reports on the other 10 google, tata sponsored sex worker, cheater housewife and other fraud R&AW/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree,paypal account,domain,website ownership are not available at present, however most of them have plenty of money and can purchase the domains, websites if interested as the prices are fairly low .
When the 10 google, tata sponsored sex worker, cheater housewife and other fraud R&AW/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree,paypal account,domain,website ownership are NOT INTERESTED IN PAYING THE MARKET PRICE why is ntro falsely associating these lazy greedy frauds, sex workers and other cheater R&AW/cbi employees with the harmless google competitor, denying her the income and opportunities she deserved

Why does the indian government, R&AW, CBI not have the honesty, humanity to admit that their employees are only google, tata supplied sex workers, cheater housewives, blackmailers and other mediocre lazy greedy inexperienced frauds, they are not connected to the domain investor and experienced engineer in any way at all.

Google,tata sponsored Gujju domain fraudster R&AW/CBI employee asmita patel, eighth standard pass housewife naina’s FINANCIAL FRAUD continues

The shameless fraud ntro employees like puneet, parmar, patel talk about tax evasion, black money, yet these shameless HYPOCRITE FRAUD ntro employees are conveniently ignoring their section 420 fraud of falsely claiming that their lazy greedy fraud relatives, premika asmita patel with straightened hair, eighth standard pass housewife naina who do not spend any money on domain names, websites, own the domain names, websites of a harmless google competitor to get a monthly R&AW/CBI salary wasting indian tax payer money
It is a massive FINANCIAL FRAUD of the shameless cunning gujju and other ntro employees of falsely claiming that their lazy greedy mediocre cheater girlfriends and relatives,who are not paying any money for the domain names as proved by their bank details, own the domain names of the google competitor so that the gujju fraudster naina, asmita patel get a monthly R&AW/CBI salary at the expense of the google competitor.

Tomorrow never comes for domain fraudster, SEX, MONEY BRIBE taking NTRO employees led by cheater puneet, j srinivasan

For more than 7 years since 2010, the shameless domain fraudster, SEX, MONEY BRIBE taking NTRO employees led by cheater puneet, j srinivasan and others have been claiming that they will purchase the domain names and websites of a harmless google competitor at a fair price.

However in reality the NTRO employees are miserly greedy frauds who are not willing to take any risk, do any work online, do not want to spend any money online , yet want to shamelessly and greedily falsely claim to own the domain names of the google competitor to get their lazy greedy sex partners sunaina, siddhi, relatives and friends lucrative R&AW, CBI, indian intelligence jobs at the expense of the google competitor.

Voice to skull technology has been used extensively to torture the harmless google competitor to threaten her that the domains will be sold, yet almost no domain has been purchased by the ntro employees and their associates since 2010, and they are not allowing her to sell to others at a fair price also.

After wasting 7 years of her life, and facing great financial losses, the google competitor has realized that the ntro employees are dishonest greedy cunning frauds, who are least interested in paying the market price, yet want the google competitor to pay expenses and renew the domain names, so that they can enjoy free sex, get R&AW/CBI jobs for their lazy greedy mediocre inexperienced relatives and friends at the expense of the google competitor

Slowly the google competitor is realizing that the fraud ntro, google, tata employees are least interested in purchasing the domain names, their only aim is to cheat and exploit her to the extent possible to enjoy free sex, get money and other bribes

Goa VVIP google, tata supplied goan bhandari prostitute R&AW employee sunaina chodan, siddhi blocking phone calls to prevent website sales

As part of google, tata masterminded goan sex, bribery racket, single women domain investors, google competitor have to pay all the expenses for domain names, do all the work, while the goan R&AW employees sex workers sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar supplied by google, tata to NTRO, cbi, raw, security agency employees only for SEX are promoted by google, tata, NTRO, cbi and others as online experts, domain investors to get a monthly R&AW salary

The goan R&AW employees sex workers sunaina, siddhi do not want to pay the market price of the websites, domain names and are not allowing the google competitor to sell the domain names, websites, blocking her phone calls, stealing emails so that they can get a monthly R&AW salary only for having recreational sex with powerful indian government employees

On 9 december, 2017, a person shivaji had tried to contact the google competitor regarding domain, website sales , however the phone call was terminated repeatedly by sex worker raw/cbi employees. he also said he was sending an email, however the google competitor has not received the email for domain sale till date, as the fraud sex worker R&AW employee siddhi probably gave an incorrect email id so that she could enjoy at the expense of the google competitor .

Clean the Stylus First Before You Replace It

Learning how to clean record stylus is probably the most important thing you can do if you’re a big time fan of playing vinyl discs. I’m a huge, old school vinyl fan and even I didn’t think about cleaning my stylus. Thinking back on it, I’ll bet I’ve spent a bundle of money on just replacing this part than thinking about cleaning it. That’s very stupid and quite costly. I can say that I spent a lot of time cleaning my records. I would wipe them down regularly and spent a lot of time learning how to do that correctly.

What I didn’t do is worry about the stylus unless it was obvious there was a problem. Continue reading “Clean the Stylus First Before You Replace It”