Month: April 2018

Goan officials refuse to pay market price and purchase websites, yet they ruthlessly block payment of google competitor

Working online is a waste of time in goa, because the shameless goan gsb fraud mafia of caro, mandrekar, nayak in intelligence and security agencies are ruthless in blocking payment of the google competitor, abusing their powers to cause losses, reduce revenues as part of deal for raw/cbi jobs for goan gsb frauds housewife riddhi nayak, siddhi mandrekar with fake resumes, stolen from google competitor
An ad network Li , based in Texas was supposed to make payment on March 10, 2018 as the amount balance was more than $25, however despite opening many support tickets, the payment has not been released
However as part of the google, tata bribery deal, the goan gsb fraud mafia especially caro,mandrekar are supposed to abuse their powers and misguide all the foreign ad networks, so that they do not release the payment, and then the shameless fraud google,tata employees will dupe people that the greedy shameless goan gsb frauds riddhi siddhi, who do not spend any money on domain names, own the domains, website of the google competitor

Google, tata sponsored goan gsb fraud R&AW employee diploma holder siddhi mandrekar has plenty of money to spend dancing in pubs with an entrance fee of Rs 1500 a night, purchase a car worth Rs 4 lakh yet she does not have the decency, honesty and humanity to pay the market price of domains which mostly cost Rs 30000 or less each, still they are blocking the payment repeatedly

it appears that a very powerful person in austin texas, was duped by the lies of the goan gsb fraud mafia, because when she complained about the website, hosting, domain expenses, she got a very low offer for an expensive domain.

Any tips to end the payment blocking fraud of the goan mafia will be greatly appreciated as investing time and money online has become a waste of time for the google competitor

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Other domain registrars were not duped by google, tata’s lies,fraud about website, domain ownership

Google, tata, ntro were involved in a very major online, financial fraud on a domain investor, google competitor since 2010 falsely claiming that their favorite sex workers, relatives and other bribe giving frauds who are least interested in spending any time and money online, were online experts, domain investors to get them R&AW/cbi jobs at the expense of the real domain investor. NTRO, google, tata employees are shameless frauds and liars who are least bothered when they are openly accused of professional fraud.

In a shocking case of lack of foresight, a powerful indian domain registrar committed a major fraud on a loyal customer, and india’s largest female domain investor, falsely claiming that all those who cheated, defamed, harassed her, owned her domains. When she moved her domains away, these fraud officials led by j srinivasan, parmar, puneet tried to convince other registrars to join them in their fraud on the domain investor

However the other registrars, especially non indian domain registrars, realized that the 10 google, tata sponsored fraud R&AW/cbi employees faking domain ownership especially google,tata sponsored indore document robber R&AW employee veena, goan call girls sunaina, siddhi, brahmin cheaters nayanshree hathwar, riddhi nayak, naina are least interested in spending any money on domain names, they only want to offer sex, money bribes to top fraud ntro employees with the help of fraud companies like google, tata to get credit and a monthly indian government salary at the expense of the real domain investor

The google, tata masterminded online fraud started in 2010, and if 10 google, tata sponsored call girl sunaina, siddhi, fraud raw/cbi employees were even moderately interested in domain names , they would have at least registered a few domain names, legally in their name in the last 8 years, as they are getting a very good cbi/raw salary without doing any work, without investing any money online

So the domain registrars realized that the domain investor has no qualms moving her domains if the registrar is involved in any kind of fraud, and the 10 google,tata sponsored fraud R&AW/cbi employees faking domain ownership, will simply sell the domains if they are able to grab them using unethical methods, and they will lose all future revenues as these google, tata sponsored frauds are least interested in investing money, time in domain names, they only want credit and a salary gifted by google,tata for their fraud activities

An open question to the fraud google, tata, ntro employees when these lazy greedy cheater raw/cbi employees are least interested in spending any money online on websites, why is the indian government, making fake claims about website ownership to waste tax payer money paying all these frauds a monthly salary at the expense of the real website owner

Lack of marketplaces affecting choice of registrar

As part of the google,tata sex, bribery racket, harmless hardworking indian domain investors are falsely labelled as cheaters without any legally valid proof, to defame, cheat and exploit them for the rest of their life, steal their resume, savings
the raw/cbi employees who are faking their resume, investment are least interested in paying the market price for the domain names, so the domain investor is stuck with the domain names or has to let them expire causing losses.
So even if the domain investor wishes to exit, there is no way to sell the domains at a fair price.
Most indian domain registrars do not have a marketplace, while almost all non indian registrars have a marketplace for directly selling the domains, and the amount is available as account credit for renewing the domain names
This helps the domain investor to sell some domain names at a low price or good price , so make in India fails as selling domains is the main source of revenues for a broke domain investor.