Domain fraudster goan bhandari raw employee sunaina chodan has plenty of money for lavish wedding celebrations,no money to purchase domains legally

Domain fraudster goan bhandari raw employee sunaina chodan has a grand wedding in a 5 star hotel spending Rs 10 lakh, no money to purchase domains which she falsely claims to own, to get a monthly government salary

Indicating the lack of social justice in india, government agencies allegedly raw/cbi are openly involved in CRIMINAL DEFAMATION of, financial fraud on some domain investors in india,especially obc engineers with good JEE rank falsely claiming that their lazy greedy fraud employees who do not spend any money on domains, do not have any online income, own the domains, bank account of the obc engineer

One of the top beneficiaries of the government FINANCIAL FRAUD, SLAVERY,criminal defamation of the domain investor, obc bhandari engineer is the Domain fraudster goan bhandari raw employee sunaina chodan , the sugar baby of top brahmin/bania government employees who has never invested any money in domains at all, has no online income, yet is getting a monthly government salary for FAKING domain ownership since 2012
Since top tech and internet companies allegedly google,tata are supporting the Domain fraudster goan bhandari raw employee sunaina chodan in her domain ownership fraud,she is leading a lavish lifestyle and recently held a grand wedding in a five star hotel in goa

This exposes the fraud of the indian tech and internet companies which fail to explain why their favorite fraud raw employee goan bhandari sunaina chodan cannot purchase this and other domain legally, yet has plenty of money to celebrate her wedding in a posh 5 star hotel and continues to fake domain ownership and get a monthly government salary at the expense of the real domain investor, a single woman marathi speaking bhandari engineer in a clear case of indian government financial fraud.


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After their massive FINANCIAL FRAUD, job for sex racket, government SLAVERY exposed since 2010, government agencies blocking website access in india to prevent domain renewals

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Due to government domain ownership fraud Godaddy features look alike of sindhi scammer naina premchandani, karan

sindhi domain fraudsters
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First Godaddy featured a look alike of sindhi scammer karan premchandani for google adsense, and then his shameless scammer mother naina in video ,
Though top indian and tech companies allegedly led by google,tata are making millions of dollars in profit, top indian government employees like tushar parekh, nikhil sha,parmar,puneet are getting a very good salary, they are extremely shameless and ruthless in their ONLINE, FINANCIAL FRAUD on small online business owners making a loss falsely claim the business, domain of a private citizen belong to the shameless sindhi sex queen cbi employee naina premchandani and her scammer sons karan, nikhil who do not spend any money on domains at all
The well paid CUNNING CRUEL CHEATER top indian government employees are aware that their SHAMELESS sindhi sex queen naina premchandani is only COOKING, CLEANING for her crooked husband, SLEEPING with her long list of powerful lovers like nikhil sha, she does not have computer skills, does not do computer work, does not invest money in domains at all
Yet showing that top indian government employees are pathological LIARS, these top indian government employees are abusing their great powers to closely monitor a hardworking single woman engineer who they HATE, then DUPE companies, countries and people worldwide that the panaji sindhi sex queen naina, her scammer sons karan, nikhil who do not invest money in domains, own the domains of the single woman engineer,to get the sindhi domain fraudster naina and her scammer sons karan, nikhil monthly government salaries for FAKING domain ownership at the expense of the real domain investor, who is making great losses because of the gujju-sindhi ACCOUNTING, ONLINE, FINANCIAL FRAUD
In 2022, Godaddy featured a lookalike of sindhi domain fraudster karan premchandani in its google adsense ads and then the godaddy video released in august 2022 is now featuring a look alike of sindhi scammer schooldropout housewife cbi employee naina premchandani who is also allegedly FAKING domain ownership, to get a monthly government salary, great powers at the expense of the real domain investor , who is viciously SLANDERED because of the sindhi-gujju government job for SEX racket which started in 2014
Though shameless sindhi sex queen cbi employee naina premchandani and her scammer sons karan, nikhil have been receiving a monthly government salary for FAKING domain ownership for more than 9 years, these fraud government employees along with naina’s LOVERS are not interested in purchasing the domains legally, paying the annual domain renewal fees of more than Rs 5 lakh/$5000 or more, only SLANDER the innocent single woman and falsely claim to own her domains, get monthly government salaries
Since the shamelesss scammer sindhi/gujju officials/leaders refuse to end their domain ownership, online, financial fraud, countries, companies especially domain registrars, people should be aware that shameless sindhi sex queen cbi employee naina premchandani and her scammer sons nikhil, karan do not register any domain like other domain fraudster raw/cbi employees including nayanshree, they rely on powerful top government employees SEDUCED by sindhi scammer naina to abuse their powers, DUPE companies, countries and people worldwide with fake stories of domain ownership when they do not want to purchase any domain legally.

WordPress blog uninstalled after great goan website ownership fraud was exposed

Indicating the ruthlessness of the indian tech, internet companies in cheating, exploiting, robbing the domain investor, they were falsely claiming that all the websites domains, were owned by the greedy goan frauds and sindhi scammers especially sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani, though these fraud companies were aware the goan and sindhi scammers were not paying the domain renewal fees and were not doing any work at all to get all the frauds no work, no investment government jobs in the indian internet sector.
After the accounting fraud of the goan gsb cheater housewife cbi employee robber riddhi nayak caro was exposed, it appears that the hackers working for her have got the blog uninstalled from the webhosting company.
Since one ad was sold, and there is very less work, the domain investor was forced to install the wordpress blog again. Yet all the posts for the last few months were deleted and have to be reposted.
It shows the pettiness of the government employees that they refuse to purchase the domain legally paying the market price, instead are uninstalling the blog.Showing how ruthless the shameless scammer shivalli brahmins are in CHEATING, EXPLOITING marathi speaking professionals from north karnataka, they are falsely claiming that their relative raw employee nayanshree, wife of tata power employee guruprasad, only cooking, cleaning for her crooked husband is doing the writing work, to get her a no work,no investment government job for faking writing work.
showing how ruthless the scammer shivalli brahmins are in cheating, exploiting , robbing marathi speaking professionals from north karnataka, they are stealing all their data and falsely claiming that their relative lazy greedy fraud nayanshree, only cooking, cleaning for her crooked husband tata power employee guruprasad is doing all the computer, online work to get a her a monthly government salary in a case of government slavery. , acounting fraud.

CIA, MI6 ensure that their stooges like greedy gujju stock trader amita patel gets a monthly raw salary for faking domain ownership, online income

Though the greedy gujju stock trader amita patel, like greedy gurugram cheater mba hr ruchita kinge and other raw/cbi employees are not paying any money for domains like their powerful boyfriends working in indian government agencies, CIA, MI6 are ensuring that they get a monthly government salary for FAKING ownership of domains including this one, bank account, online income since 2010
While this domain ownership fraud is very convenient for the raw/cbi employees it is causing great losses for the real domain investor, forcing her to complain since the raw/cbi and other government employees are CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the real domain investor to cover up their financial fraud
It is an indication of the great power of CIA, MI6 in india that no one is questioning the FINANCIAL FRAUD of the extremely wealthy raw/cbi employees especially greedy gujju stock trader amita patel who has a net worth of Rs 100 crores yet refuses to purchase any domain legally from the private citizen instead relying on MI6, CIA, government agencies to spread FAKE RUMORS that the domains of a private citizen belong to well paid CUNNING CHEATER top indian government employees , especially the btech 1993 ee classmates from iit bombay who all HATE the single woman engineer, and have never helped her at all
They are also spreading fake rumors that the domain investor who has never cheated anyone is a cheater to justify their FINANCIAL FRAUD, government SLAVERY when the single woman engineer can legally prove that she has never cheated anyone in her life and does not require the help of the CUNNING CRUEL CHEATER top indian government employees who actually HATE her
The domain investor never faced any problem, only when the CUNNING CRUEL CHEATER top indian government employees who actually HATE her allegedly led by puneet used her as a honeypot to protect their real girlfriends and get them government jobs with fake resumes, bank account, people attacked her. In the last few years everyone is aware that government employees all HATE the single woman, so there are no fake cases at all, yet the government refuses to end its FINANCIAL FRAUD, government SLAVERY on the single woman engineer.

NTRO employee parmar involved in massive FRAUD regarding onions domain

Internet users should be aware that the powerful NTRO employee parmar is involved in massive FRAUD regarding onions domain, criminally defaming the real domain investor

To enjoy FREE LIFETIME SEX with the gujju SCHOOL DROPOUT housewife naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh, get her and her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil, raw/cbi jobs with monthly salary without doing any work, without investing any money at all, SEX ADDICT, LIAR fraud ntro employee parmar made 100% FALSE ALLEGATIONS regarding the onions domain, which is owned by the domain investor.,

The fraud LIAR parmar falsely claimed that the domain belonged to his LIAR FRAUD friend who was making FAKE onions domain allegation, when parmar and LIAR FRAUD friend, have never interacted with the domain investor any time in her life
The fact that ntro employee parmar is a LIAR can be legally proved, because he REFUSES to provide the domain investor with any details of the LIAR FRAUD friend who was making FAKE onions domain allegation, so that she can defend herself and prove that she never interacted with parmar’s LIAR FRAUD FRIEND

If parmar, and his LIAR FRAUD friend who was making FAKE onions domain allegation is telling the truth, why is parmar not revealing his friends name, address, and when he interacted with the domain investor for the last 10 years, why is he CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the domain investor, when he cannot provide any kind of proof of interaction between his LIAR FRAUD friend and the domain investor

Intelligence and security agency employees worldwide are repeating the lies of SEX addict parmar making up fake stories regarding the domain, yet should ask him when his LIAR FRAUD friend making the FAKE ALLEGATIONS met or interacted with the domain investor, and why the domain investor is not provided with these details so that she can defend herself.

If ntro employee parmar cannot provide any proof after 10 years of criminally defamation, cheating and exploitation, the intelligence and security agency employees should realize that these are FAKE STORIES of a LIAR SEX ADDICT to defame the domain investor he HATES.

Can the goan, indian government explain why their favorite goa bhandari R&AW employee PROSTITUTE sunaina chodan refuses to pay for domain names

R&AW refuses to name the foreign customers of its goan bhandari employee sunaina chodan, a PROSTITUTE, falsely claims she is an exporter
For more than 7 years the slim goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan, a PROSTITUTE has refused to pay the market price of domain names, and get them legally transferred in her name,
The google, tata sponsored slim goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan, a panaji PROSTITUTE is also refusing to provide any services to customers outside india she only wishes to enjoy with her boyfriends
Yet in a massive fraud of the indian and goan government, R&AW, cbi, ntro their fraud employees continue with their lies that the top goan bhandari panaji PROSTITUTE RAW employee sunaina chodan,only offering SEX services and having no online income, is an exporter
R&AW,cbi, ntro are involved in a BANKING, PAYPAL FRAUD FALSELY CLAIMING that the panaji prostitute owns the bank account of a single woman engineer, the call girl raw employee sunaina chodan hates and has defamed along with the rest of her family like pritesh chodankar

Can the goan, indian government explain why their favorite goa bhandari R&AW employee PROSTITUTE sunaina chodan refuses to pay for domain names

Can goan, indian government,cbi explain why their ROBBER employees riddhi nayak caro, naina chandan are not paying domain renewal expenses, only ROBBING MEMORY

In all countries other than India, the government will consider a citizen to be a domain investor if the person has the domain legally transferred to their name, is paying the domain renewal expenses and controls the domain legally.

Yet only in India, in a massive fraud masterminded by he sundar pichai led google, tata, mhow monster puneet and other ntro employees, the 10 google, tata sponsored fraud raw/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree and domain ownership, none of these fraud raw/cbi employees are interested in paying the market price of the domain names, or the domain renewal expenses.
Instead these women like riddhi nayak caro, naina chandan, sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, are relying on their lovers, relatives, and sugar daddies to ROB THE MEMORY of a harmless domain investor without a legally valid reason, and COPY PASTE the robbed memory on their brain, so that they can falsely claim that the ROBBED MEMORY belongs to them and get a monthly government salary without doing any work at all, without investing any money online at all

In the three TRADE SECRET CASES against TCS in the united states, the TCS employees have been accused of copy pasting or downloading documents to avoid spending time and money on developing the code. In a similar manner, no one is stopping the R&AW/cbi employes from spending their own time and money legally registering domains paying the domain registrar, developing websites, and monetizing them.

Instead just like TRADE SECRET ROBBER TCS employees like ashish barnwal, the NTRO employees like mhow monster puneet are copy pasting the robbed memory of a single woman engineer on the brains of the raw/cbi employees like siddhi mandrekar and then falsely claiming that the robbed memory legally belongs to her, when actually siddhi has not spent any time and money on the domains, webhosting or other expenses.

While the US companies like Epic systems at least are considered the original developers, in India, ntro is ruthless in defaming the engineer whose memory they are ROBBING for 9 years without a legally valid reason, leaving her broke, while all the robbers and recipients of robbed memory are becoming extemely rich and powerful

Code ROBBER TCS employees following footsteps of ROBBER LIAR NTRO, state and central government employee looting domain investors

Stealing case against TCS is only the tip of the iceberg, rampant banking, online fraud, sex rackets, human rights abuses in the IT and internet sectors

The indian mainstream media carried the news of the case against TCS for stealing code extensively by CSC in USA, yet it refuses to cover all other negative news of the widespread fraud in the indian internet sector, where google sponsored goan call girls sunaina chodan , siddhi mandrekar, robbers like indore housewife veena, cheaters riddhi caro, nayanshree hathwar, school dropouts, their lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil and other frauds who have no online investment, are falsely considered online experts, domain investors, to pay all these frauds a monthly government salary while the real domain investor is criminally defamed without any proof, denied her fundamental rights, correspondence ROBBED and subjected to endless crime

A domain name is just another investment for those who do not have a it background ,yet because of the endless fraud in the IT and internet sector, NTRO,indian government behaves just like TCS robber employees refusing to acknowledge the real domain investor for more than 9 years and falsely claims that lazy greedy google, tata sponsored raw/cbi employees who do not spend any money online, own the domains of a private citizen who is actually paying for domains and other expenses

When it refuses to acknowledge the real female domain investor who is actually spending her money and making fake claims about the lazy fraud raw/cbi employee, NTRO, raw, cbi, indian government are ROBBING AND CRIMINALLY DEFAMING HER. The code robber tcs employees are only following the footsteps of NTRO, indian and state government in robbing and committing crimes on harmless domain investor

customers will soon get the whole battlefield amidst their fists – google, tata rewarding junk language online

To defame the domain investor, ntro raw, cbi are ensuring that all her articles are rejected by indian customers and then cbi falsely claims her paypal, bank account belongs to 10 google tata sponsored lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees who do have not opened the account and cannot withdraw any money from the account in a major online fraud.

This part of the fraud ntro employees attempt to defame the domain investor and destroy her confidence. Clearly the official rejecting the article does not care for merit, the articles approved are of poor quality which are posted below for everyone to verify

Nowadays retail competition is taking over old stores, pushing them to make their shutters down one by one. Walmart is taking interest in online more, whereas Amazon is spreading its wings offline as well via stores and buying whole foods. The retail dollars are in a heavy war-zone where customers will soon get the whole battlefield amidst their fists with the advent of Smartphone apps.

The domain investor’s english is far better, yet she is not getting any work at all, her articles are rejected, while writing who write junk english like that listed above get plenty of work and payment in India.

Anyone who wants more samples of the junk content like that quoted above which is approved by websites online in india , indian customers, google, tata can contact on skype