R&AW.cbi are wasting indian taxpayer money paying salaries to their lazy greedy google, tata sponsored sex worker, school dropout, fraud employees falsely claiming that they own this and other websites, when these indian government agencies are worse than the saudi killers of jamal khashoggi, unable to provide any evidence of website ownership, rely on the words of the section 420 fraud ntro employees who make completely fake claims just like the saudi killers
For Diwali 2018, so with the monthly cbi salary gifted by her powerful lover parmar and sugar daddy powerful fraud brahmin mhow cheater puneet , panaji most pampered school dropout cbi employee naina has decorated the ground floor of her house with white bulb string lighting and the first and second floor of her house with blue led rope lighting for diwali 2018.
The google, tata sponsored goan bhandari R&AW employee panaji prostitute sunaina chodan 2013 bsc, has decorated her home, with expensive lighting purchased from flipkart including a globe , and string lighting. More updates on panaji’s most pampered prostitutes diwali celebrations will be provided soon,
On the other hand, the real domain investor is broke, since she is paying all the expenses, doing all the work, while the prostitute, fraud pampering bribe taking ntro employees shamelessly make fake claims about website ownership to pamper their favorite sex workers, cheaters
An open question to R&AW/cbi when their lazy greedy fraud employees can purchase expensive lighting for their homes, why are they not paying the market price and purchasing the websites legally why are relying on saudi killer type LIAR FRAUD ntro employees who are making fake claims without any evidence at all about website ownership in a major financial fraud since 2010.
A website is available for sale for $19 for most domains, the lighting all these fraud raw/cbi employees are using will cost more, can the indian, goan government, cbi, ntro, justify this online, domain,financial fraud in an open debate