One of the greatest frauds of the indian and state governments, especially goan government is that they are falsely claiming that the domain investor is closely associated with R&AW/cbi/ntro employees to justify the identity, resume, savings, memory, correspondence theft of the domain investor and engineer.
However the fact is that R&AW/cbi/ntro employees are extremely powerful in india in 2018, and no one would dare to trespass, rob and burgle the home of the government employees and anyone closely associated with them, because action is taken against them.
In the book Calling Sehmat on which the movie Raazi was based, it is clear that anyone who is really associated with R&AW actually is getting a lot of help from the state and central government, while the domain investor actually owning this website is not getting even the basic security which all indian citizens are enjoying
Any law breakers are aware that these powerful government employees will immediately initiate action against them, to get them punished for breaking laws, crimes under the indian penal code. These government employees are also ruthless in destroying the life of innocent people against whom they have no evidence like the real; domain investor
Google, tata, ntro, R&AW, cbi have been extremely vicious in defaming, cheating and exploiting the domain investor, engineer in panaji, goa, making fake allegations without any proof and repeating these lies like parrots
They have ruined her reputation in panaji goa to such a great extent, that people think that they can criminally trespass, rob and burgle the house of the engineer in la campala colony, panaji, goa without any fear of being punished or investigated at all
The trespassers are also damaging the house, breaking the doors, stealing the taps, locks, ransacking the house and the engineer has to waste a lot of her time and money to undo the mess created . Every month she is forced to change the Godrej lock of her house
In almost every place in India, no one will repeatedly burgle, rob and trespass the home of a harmless hardworking single woman engineer with a good JEE rank, yet this domain investor has to tolerate these crimes in goa, because she has been viciously defamed by raw, cbi, ntro, google, tata , who are then falsely claiming that their associates, lazy greedy frauds are owning her domains
So the indian intelligence and security agencies should realize that when the harmless hardworking engineer is denied the basic security which everyone has, she cannot have any customers in India, she is not going to tolerate any more misuse of her name, and she will tell all her customers that she is not associated with indian intelligence and security agencies, and also tell the names of the raw/cbi employees and their associates who may be misusing her name
Foreign customers and intelligence agencies should be aware of the real raw/cbi employees who are getting a government salary and other privileges like ensuring that their homes are secure , not robbed and burgled repeatedly . Repeatedly robbery and burglary is very stressful for the home owner.