R&AW employees allegedly involved in panaji burglary on google competitors house to force domain sale

Some small clues can reveal a lot about a burglary, who is actually involved. It now appears that Goan gsb fraud R&AW employee siddhi mandrekar and her associates are involved in the burglary on the google competitors house on September 30, October 1, 2018 . One of the stranger parts of the burglary were that all electronic items were left untouched, while the taps in a bathroom were removed.

The burglars wanted the google competitor to rush to the police, file a complaint, and then the police would force her to sell her domain names to the goan gsb, bhandari officials at a very low price. The fraud goan officials who are already bribed by google, tata with jobs for their relatives , have already made it extremely difficult for the google competitor to get anyone to repair the house, demanding very high bribes.

A day after the robbery was detected, the google competitor got a phone call from a relative, who asked her why she was not answering the phone on the last few days. The google competitor said that she may have been in the bathroom, then the raw employee siddhi mandrekar, nayanshree hathwar who was tapping the conversation, said in a very surprised manner, that why the google competitor is not taking bath in the house which was burgled

The taps were stolen so that the google competitor would be forced to hire a plumber and waste a huge amount of money paying his repair charges , with bribes being paid to goan officials who were involved in the burglary

Goan bhandari R&AW employee call girl sunaina chodan, falsely claiming to own webconcepts

Though the lazy greedy panaji prostitute, google, tata sponsored Goan bhandari R&AW employee call girl sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc from goa university has not opened the bank account, has not registered the domain webconcepts, and is not paying any expenses, pampered by her PIMPS in google, tata, who market her sex services, LOVERS, sugar daddies mhow cheater puneet, j srinivasan, fraud relatives pritesh chodankar, the shamelss greedy panaji sex worker is allegedly falsely claiming to own the domain.
She is also duping people in panaji, with her lies, making it difficult for the google competitor to get orders
When the google competitor sent an invoice with the webconcepts bank account details to a flower plant buyer from panaji, she did not make payment
Instead the campal flower plant buyer repeatedly sent the message
u gv me ur bk number n which bk otherwise forget it

u gv me ur bk number n which bk otherwise forget it

It appears that someone told her not to make payment, and told her to get the personal or paypal account details, which will not be provided

Why are NTRO employees not harassing, torturing indore fraud R&AW employees veena, deepika, naina for their domain/website fraud

The NTRO employees led by j srinivasan, puneet, parmar, patel, vijay claim to very honest role model citizens, and since 2010, they have wasted more than Rs 30 crore of indian tax payer money, in stalking, defaming, cheating, exploiting and torturing a harmless single woman engineer, domain investor and google competitor falsely claiming that they are very worried about her honesty

These fraud ntro employees have also got lucreative raw/cbi jobs for indore fraud R&AW employees document robbers veena, deepika and others, falsely claiming that the indore fraudsters and others who do not spend any money online, own the domain names of the google competitor so that they get a monthly salary, while the google competitor is getting nothing despite spending a lot of money and time online.

The ntro employees started making the fake claims since 2010, and the domain investor has listed most of the domains for sale, at a very low price, because she cannot afford to pay renewal expenses, has no other source of income,yet the fraud ntro/raw/cbi employees getting a monthly government salary do not have the honesty and humanity to pay the market price and purchase the domain names legally, rely on the liar cheater ntro employees to abuse their powers and make fake claims about domain ownership

The greedy shameless fraud raw/cbi employees are aware of the fact that legally owning domain names is very expensive, advertising revenues are so low, due to the google online fraud, that it is not even possible to cover the renewal cost for almost all the domain names. They are also aware of the fact that the indian government blindly believes in the lies of the cheater liar ntro, google, tata employees. So these fraud ntro/raw/cbi employees are defaming the google competitor in the worst possible manner, and then falsely claiming that their girlfriends, relatives and bribe giving frauds own the domain names, in a major financial fraud

Can the NTRO employees explain why the raw/cbi employees are not paying the market prioce, and purchasing the domains legally, why instead of harassing, torturing the real domain investor, why are they not harassing, torturing indore fraud R&AW employees veena, deepika, naina, riddhi nayak, sunaina, siddhi, asmita patel, nayanshree hathwar, ruchika for their domain/website, banking, financial fraud , making fake claims about domain/website ownership

Why are brahmin fraud ntro employees not legally purchasing the domain names, websites of google competitor for their favorite goan call girls, frauds

Though the lazy greedy google, tata sponsored goan bhandari panaji prostitute R&AW employee sunaina chodan 2013 bsc from goa university has never done any work online in her life, never invested any money online in her life, and has a steady boyfriend driving a grey scooter J8651 for more than one year, the powerful fraud Brahmin liar ntro employee j srinivasan is so madly in love with goan bhandari panaji prostitute R&AW employee sunaina chodan , that he continues to abuse his powers and falsely claims that the lazy greedy panaji call girl is working online, was his btech 1993 ee classmate

Income tax returns, bank details will legally prove that the goan call girl sunaina is getting a monthly indian government salary for having SEX with powerful men, yet her shameless fraud lovers , relatives like pritesh chodankar, sugar daddies like j srinivasan, mhow cheater puneet, google, tata pimps , continue to waste tax payer money to dupe people, companies and countries that the goan sex worker sunaina, only interested in sex services,is an online expert, domain investor , owning the websites of a google competitor, who the ntro employees especially j srinivasan hate

Almost all the websites which the shameless goan sex worker sunaina falsely claims to own, have news of her sex services , yet she, her pimps and sugar daddies continue to shamelessly and falsely claim that the goan bhandari sex worker owns the websites and is posting her sex stories online regularly in one of the greatest online financial frauds in the world.

The domains, websites of the google competitor are listed for sale, however the greedy fraud well paid ntro employees refuse to pay the market price, and purchase the domains, websites legally for their favorite goan sex workers, fraud raw/cbi employees , yet continue to make fake claims about the ownership of the websites, so that their favorite sex workers, frauds get a monthly raw/cbi salary at the expense of the domain investor, in a major financial fraud since 2010.

Can the indian government explain why good looking raw/cbi employees are not purchasing domains legally ?

In an open case of discrimination in India, the indian government bribed by google, tata is openly pampering and rewarding lazy greedy mediocre fraud women just because they have flawless skin,. and open discriminating against single women engineers with a good JEE rank, refusing to acknowledge their financial and other rights

The indian rupee is crashing against the US dollar as the endless frauds of the indian government, R&AW, cbi, ntro, security agencies are exposed and the fact that top indian government officials, leaders are shameless liars, cheaters and frauds, with no professional and personal integrity, who will shamelessly lie if bribed with money, sex, jobs for their relatives and friends by greedy fraud companies like google, tata.

Led by the shameless cruel fraud brahmin LIAR ntro employee mhow cheater fair skinned light eyed puneet, these shameless fraud ntro employees are putting women domain investors under surveillance and falsely claiming that their lazy greedy mediocre cheater girlfriends with flawless skin who are not doing any work online, not investing any money online, are online experts, domain investors to get these good looking frauds raw/cbi jobs at the expense of the real domain investor, google competitor

No one has stopped the shameless lazy greedy fraud ntro employees like mhow cheater puneet who splurges money on ESCORTS, j srinivasan, . his lazy greedy shameless cheater girlfriends in R&AW/cbi like indore fraud veena , deepika, nayanshree, gujju school dropout naina, riddhi nayak, asmita patel, ruchika., goan bhandari prostitute sunaina chodan and other frauds from paying the market price of the domains and getting them legally transferred to their name. These women have plenty of money to purchase expensive Rs 12 lakh cars for their children, go on foreign trips, yet refuse to pay the market price of domain names

Though the ntro domain, banking, bribery fraud, sex racket, started in 2010, the fraud ntro employees and their lazy greedy girlfriends in raw/cbi are refusing to pay the market price of domain names, yet shamelessly and falsely claim to own the domains of a private citizen, google competitor to get a monthly government salary at the expense of the google competitor in a major financial fraud of the indian government

Can fraud officials caro, mandrekar explain why goan gsb fraud cbi employee panaji extortionist housewife riddhi nayak is not purchasing the websites legally

The shameless fraud greedy goan officials nayak, caro, mandrekar are justifying the great powers given to the google, tata sponsored lazy greedy shameless goan gsb fraud raw/cbi employees siddhi mandrekar, riddhi nayak, who have never spent a single paisa on domains, websites in their life, falsely claiming that the goan gsb FRAUDS like goan bhandari sex worker sunaina chodan and others, who also do not spend any money online, are domain investors .

This google, tata SEX, BRIBERY RACKET, BANKING, FINANCIAL, ONLINE FRAUD started in 2010, and the google competitor who actually owns the domains, pays annual expenses has listed almost all the domains for sale at a very reasonable price as she is making a huge los for more than 4 years, however she is not getting any buyers in india, because the greedy goan frauds want the domains for free.

however panaji top extortionist, goan gsb fraud housewife cheater riddhi nayak, who looks like actress kangana ranaut, has received a monthly cbi salary for more than 4 years, yet being a shameless GREEDY FRAUD, LIAR AND CHEATER , the goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak, has refused to purchase a single domain name , relies on her shameless fraud liar boyfriends like vijay, puneet and cheater relatives like caro, mandrekar, nayak, to make fake claims about domain ownership so that greedy shameless goan cheater riddhi nayak, gets a salary without doing any work, without investing any money, without taking any risk

Income tax returns, bank details will expose the fact that top goan officials are shameless liars involved in a major online, banking fraud.
An open question to the shameless LIAR FRAUD goan officials caro, mandrekar, nayak, why is their LAZY GREEDY SHAMELESS CHEATER LIAR relative cbi employee riddhi nayak, not paying the market price and purchasing the domains she falsely claims to own

Cn CBI explain why the news of its banking fraudster school dropout employee naina, are posted on websites she falsely claims to own

In a clear indication of high level corruption, BRIBERY in cbi, cbi is wasting indian tax payer money, paying a monthly indian government salary to google, tata school dropout gujju housewife naina, who looks like actress sneha wagh, mother of two sons, falsely claiming that the gujju school dropout is a domain investor when the websites the school dropout falsely claim own to get a monthly salary , all have news of her banking fraud, extra marital affair with gujju fraudster ntro employee parmar

The shameless greedy gujju cbi employee cheater housewife naina has plenty of money to purchase a rs 12 lakh maruti brezza from chowgule industries for her inexperienced lazy son, however the shameless gujju fraudster living in panaji, goa, refuses to pay the market price for domains, websites or annual expenses, like the goan gsb fraud cbi employee riddhi nayak and other fraud raw/cbi employees, relies on her powerful fraud liar lover parmar and sugar daddy mhiw cheater ntro employee brahmin fraud puneet to make fake claims about domains which are actually owned by a google competitor, single woman engineer, who is denied the income and opportunities she deserved.

Anyone with some common sense will agree that no government employee is going to post the news of their banking fraud, extra marital affair on the websites which they actually pay for and control.So can cbi explain why its school dropout employee is posting the news of her extra marital affair on the websites she falsely claims to own to get a monthly government salary. Medical and DNA testing will legally prove that the school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina could have never studied engineering

Cybercriminal falsely claims ownership of google competitors website megalib

NTRO, cbi, raw are monitoring a google competitor since, making fake allegations without any proof at all, when actually she is major victim of cybercrime in india. The latest example of cybercrime which the google competitor has become a victim of, is how some cybercriminal has falsely claimed ownership of her website megalib.o and added the website to his account at li* , an ad network

Because of the website ownership fraud, the google competitor is unable to ad the website to her own account
The ntro, raw, cbi employees monitoring the domain investor, are closely checking all the websites of the domain investor, and falsely claiming ownership of the better websites, to make money from advertising

Why is ntro not taking action against the cybercriminal who is faking ownership of megalib, and has not paid any money for the website expenses?

Google, tata sponsored indore fraud R&AW employee bespectacled housewife veena has money to visit Thailand, Sri Lanka, no money for domain names, websites

It is time that google, tata, R&AW, indian government honestly admit that the google, tata sponsored indore fraud R&AW employee bespectacled housewife veena is only a ruthless document robber who steals the documents of domain investors who make the mistake of trusting her, liar, domain fraudster and cheater, she is not a domain investor or online expert
In the last few years, the Google, tata sponsored indore fraud R&AW employee bespectacled housewife veena has visited Thailand, Sri Lanka with her family and these trips must have cost a substantial amount of money, however she has no money to pay for the domain names which she falsely claims to own to get a monthly raw salary , and get them legally transferred in her name. the google,tata masterminded banking fraud, sex. bribery racket started in 2010, and the indore fraudster could easily purchase the domain names she falsely claimed to own to get a R&AW job, legally if she was honest, had any humanity

Instead with the help of the fraud companies like sundar pichai led google, tata, the indore fraudster raw employee veena prefers to BRIBE the corupt shameless top ntro, raw, cbi employees to abuse their powers and make fake claims that she owns the domains of a private citizen, her relative whose documents she has stolen, to get a monthly raw salary. So when the indore fraudster is least interested in paying the market price for domain names, why is the indian government falsely claiming that the indore crook is a domain investor.

Not satisfied with stealing the identity, savings, memory of a harmless single woman engineer, domain investor to get relatives, girlfriends of top officials raw/cbi jobs with the stolen identity, the indian government, R&AW is now allegedly duping countries worldwide like Thailand, Sri lanka that its lazy fraud employee indore housewife veena, a document robber, who visited these countries is a domain investor and online expert

R&AW, ntro, indian government, google, tata should have the honesty to inform all countries that the google, tata sponsored indore fraud R&AW employee bespectacled housewife veena, who looks like actress deepika padukone is actually
– a ruthless document robber who steals the documents and identity of her close relatives if they make the mistake of trusting her
– treacherous greedy fraud, who has no qualms robbing and betraying her close relatives
– a liar who made fake claims about domain ownership and refuses to pay the market price of domain names she falsely claimed to own to get a R&AW job
– a banking fraudster who falsely claims to own the bank account of her relative after stealing their documents
– a domain fraudster who falsely claims to own domain names of her victim, without paying the market price and annual expenses

The google, tata sponsored indore fraud R&AW employee bespectacled housewife veena and her family had plenty of money to pay for the trip to Sri lanka, Thailand, yet she does not have the honesty, humanity, and integrity to pay the market price and purchase at least a few of the domain names from her victim legally, she offers BRIBES to corrupt liar ntro employees with the help of fraud companies like google, tata

Google, wishes to take over business of competitor, yet fraud R&AW/cbi employees faking domain ownership are not able to provide proof of ownership

It appears that every year in July/August, Google, wishes to take over business of competitor and end the fiasco permanently , yet fraud R&AW/cbi employees faking domain ownership are not able to provide proof of ownership because they do not own and operate the bank account of the google competitor, a private citizen, though powerful fraud ntro employees led by mhow cheater puneet, j srinivasan, parmar are making fake claims.

Like most large companies, when google is taking over a business, their finance team, will require legally valid proof like bank details that the business being taken over, actually owns it. In a clear indication of the rampant corruption in goa, the top officials think that by repeating lies, the ownership of the bank account will legally change and every year, they are using a new tactic .

Taking advantage of the fact that the dishonest goan bhandari officials led by pritesh chodankar are too busy pampering and promoting their sex worker relative, sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc the shameless greedy LIAR BANKING FRAUDSTER GOAN GSB FRAUD officials nayak, caro, mandrekar, criticize and exploit single woman bhandari engineer with a good JEE rank, for whatever she does, to get their lazy greedy mediocre inexperienced cheater relatives EXTORTIONISTS housewife riddhi nayak, who looks like actress kangana ranaut, call girl diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, R&AW/cbi jobs with the stolen identity of the engineer, domain investor and google competitor

If the engineer is living alone , these selfish greedy fraud liar goan gsb officials are calling her an animal who does not care for anyone to torture her in the worst possible manner, with radiation and other weapons, causing great pain, and are also encouraging their associates to file fake cases without any legally valid proof against the engineer , to defame her.
On the other hand, if the engineer is living with a senior citizen relative to help him with shopping and other activities, they are falsely giving credit to their lazy greedy mediocre relatives, riddhi nayak, siddhi mandrekar, gujju school dropout housewife naina who looks like actress sneha wagh, brahmin housewife nayanshree hathwar, when these fraud raw/cbi employees are not doing any work. nott investing any money online, and are not connected with the engineer and domain investor in any way at all.

When other citizens do not give relatives of offficials credit for the work they do, money they invest, why is the goan gsb fraud mafia falsely associating their lazy greedy inexperienced cheater relatives, friends with the engineer, who they defamed in the most vicious manner without any legally valid proof since 2010. It is a clear case of discrimination, BANKING FRAUD and exploitation that the goan gsb fraud mafia and other officials are falsely claiming that their relatives and friends, who do not do any work online, are owning the paypal, bank account of the domain investor, engineer

These powerful officials have not found any legally valid proof after 8 years of surveillance, the engineer has not asked them or their relatives for any help , the ntro employees who gave fake references are also confirming that they have no connection with the engineer, so why are the fraud goan officials falsely associating their lazy fraud relatives, friends with the engineer, falsely claiming that their relatives and friends own the paypal, bank account of the engineer,a private citizen?

Why are the relatives and friends of these officials like raw/cbi employees riddhi nayak, siddhi mandrekar, gujju school dropout housewife naina, brahmin housewife nayanshree hathwar,indore document robber veena and others not opening their own paypal, bank account legally after making fake allegations without any proof at all against the engineer, for 8 years, why are they falsely claiming to own the bank account of a private citizen, engineer and google competitor.

It is time that the goan officials legally start their own business, open their own bank, paypal account, instead of harassing, cheating and exploiting a private citiizen