Government especially NTRO employees are getting a fixed and very good monthly indian government salary, they have no right to criticize websites of private citizens, domain investors as they are not contributing in any way to the private citizen, they do not have the right to interfere.
Depending on how much revenue is anticipated , the domain investor, private citizen will develop the website accordingly. There are some websites like hospitalreport which have not made a single penny for the last 3 years from advertising despite spending a lot of time and money , because of the domain fraudster R&AW employee asmita patel , who falsely claimed to own the domain name, without spending any money at all(which can be proved checking her income tax records)
Japanese link sellers have indicated that adding a few pages to a domain will increase the possibility of link sales, so a broke indian domain investor subjected to a financial fraud by the indian government since 2010, is adding a few pages hoping to increase the link sales, advertising . as the broke domain investor has indicated repeatedly website development is only a hobby, it is not related to her professional qualification and experience.
When will NTRO, security agency, CBI employees stop interfering in the online business of a private citizen, commenting on the quality and other aspects of a website.