Registrars, registries should be aware that indian government continues its massive domain ownership FRAUD ROBBING the data of private citizens

Registrars, registries worldwide should be aware that in 2024, the indian government continues its massive FINANCIAL, domain ownership FRAUD ROBBING the data of private citizens,the real domain investors to make fake claims about their lazy greedy fraud employees who refuse to purchase domains, yet get monthly government salaries only for robbing data and making fake claims since 2010.
The massive indian government ONLINE, FINANCIAL, domain ownership FRAUD, has made the goan call girl, cheater housewife, sindhi scholdropout and other lazy greedy cheater indian government employees very rich and powerful, yet being extremely SHAMELESS LIARS, they refuse to purchase even one domain legally, rely on the fraud top indian tech and internet companies allegedly led by google to continue with their online, domain ownership fraud.
Due to the indian government ONLINE, FINANCIAL FRAUD, the real domain investors who are denied the right to equality, are making great financial losses, yet indicating the high levels of CORRUPTION, FINANCIAL FRAUD, the indian government refuses to end it . Instead when the domain investor is complaining about the indian government financial fraud on forums, her posts are getting deleted, since raw has allegedly recruited the nepalese forum poster mika to get the posts exposing indian online, financial fraud deleted.

Author: admin

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