Low profit margins for domain names, websites

To make money online, domain investors have to be very ruthless in registering domain names like the indonesians, turkish people not based on sentiment. For example on 19 June 2017, the domain thefitnessbuzz registered at godaddy, was deindexed in google . The domain was registered on 31 July 2016 for $5 approximately.
there were no sales for the static website for 6 months, so a wordpress blog was installed. The wordpress blog made approximately $5 for 3 months April, may, and june. The domain investor was also paid $3 for adding it to an ad network. Now that it is deindexed, there is no point in renewing the domain name as very few ad networks will advertise .
So for an investment of approximately $5 the domain investor made around $8, excluding the time investing in setting up theblog. the domain investor will reuse the content on other websites like the indonesians, turkish. The idle indian intelligence, security agencies are trying to always link domain registration to some terror activities , when it is simply a way to make some money to pay the bills, as cbi have made it impossible to make any money offline.


Sale price : $20,000
No. of bids: 41
Revenue : $1,607
Only Amazon revenues
Page views/month :5,978
Unique visitors/month: 3,429
Pages in google : not defined has only 25 articles according to seller
Domain registered in May 2015

Website being sold as the Amazon account is closed, just like the google adsense of this domain investor is closed.
Sold at Flippa in May 2017,


Copblock.org – 7 year old police brutality blog making $500 a month from Google adsense

In India any website criticizing corrupt indian government employees is shut down if indian webhosting will be used falsely claiming defamation, however these websites are likely to be the most profitable websites for those who have powerful enemies like this domain investor, google competitor who is impersonated by as many as 10 lazy greedy mediocre inexperienced google, tata sponsored goan sex workers, cheater housewives and other fraud R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence employees.

On flippa one of the websites which was listed for sale was copblock.org, 7 year old police brutality blog making $500 monthly with google adsense. The website is getting a large number of visitors indicating the demand for these websites which expose the abuse of power, corruption by government employees.

The website copblock.org was put up for sale at Flippa by Adam Mueller
It attracted 27 bids , with the highest bid of $12000 when the auction ended on 6 June 2017. However it was not sold as it probably did not meet the reserve price
The blog was making a profit of approximately $400-$500 a month, approximately $6000 a year

However the highest bid was at $12000 , approximately twice the profit made by the website indicating the high value of atrocity related websites

TheAppFactor.Com content site sold at flippa

TheAppFactor.Com content site sold at flippa

Sale price : $20,200
No. of bids: 21
Revenue monthly: $446
Adsense: $183
Page views/month :183,191
Unique visitors/month: 140,462
Pages in google : 782
Domain registered on 6 February 2013

Sold at Flippa in May 2017, Sale price approx = 4 times Annual revenues

Scalpthatstock.com – daily market news

Sale price : $5000
No. of bids: 21
Revenue : $468
Adsense: $433
Page views/month :38000
Unique visitors/month: 19000
Pages in google : 6340
Domain registered on 20 September 2015

Sold at Flippa in May 2017, Sale price approx = Annual revenues, non unique content

shameless google, tata sponsored GREEDY LAZY goan fraud R&AW/CBI employees riddhi siddhi sunaina naina falsely claim to own websites of google competitor

There are relatively few large companies based in goa because some of the top intelligence and security agency employees are the most shameless and greedy frauds who do not want to pay any money for domain names, websites, do any work , yet shamelessly and greedily claim to own the websites of a private citizen, to get great powers, R&AW/CBI job and a monthly indian government salary .
As part of the endless fraud masterminded by the section 420 fraud tata, google employees in 2010 , these shameless goan fraud R&AW/CBI employees riddhi siddhi sunaina naina rely on their shameless powerful fraud relatives, friends and lovers to make completely fake allegations without any proof at all against a google competitor, domain investor and private citizen, repeat these lies hysterically like parrots for years to keep the google competitor as a virtual prisoner and then falsely boast that they own the websites, domain names of the google competitor to get great powers and a monthly indian government salary.
Like all frauds these officials cannot provide any proof of their fake claims and the google, tata sponsored goan fraud r&AW/CBi employees cannot provide any financial proof that they are paying for the domain names, as part of google’s extremely vicious campaign to defame, destroy the finances and life of a google competitor who had a better 1989 JEE rank than google ceo sundar pichai .

Tata, google, ntro employees top domain, online fraudsters in India in 2017

Since 2010, google, tata employees have emerged as the top domain, online fraudsters in India, spreading completely fake rumors that well connected goan sex workers, cheater housewives and other frauds who never invested any money online and never did any work online own the domain names, websites of a private citizen, google competitor, to get all these lazy fraud women lucrative R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence jobs at the expense of the real domain investor, who is getting nothing.
The google, tata employees are extremely vicious frauds shamelessly defaming the google competitor, refusing to acknowledge the time and money she is spending online and duping a large number of people, countries and companies with their complete lies about website ownership
The google, tata sponsored fraud R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence employees like indore fraud veena, goan sex worker sunaina are least interested in spending any money online and doing any work online yet the google, tata, ntro, cbi employees are pathological liars completely lacking honesty, morals and humanity, continue to dupe a large number of people with their complete lies
Financial records will easily prove the financial fraud of these companies and employees, so it is important that all internet users are aware of the great online fraud of google, tata, ntro, cbi employees and are not misled by their complete lies.

Google, tata sponsored lazy greedy Goan cbi employee gsb fraud housewife wanted home related blog

One of the main problems of working in goa is that the local intelligence and security agency employees are extremely greedy. They are not satisfied with the very good monthly indian government salary they are getting, they want to bully the paypal account holders, who are making very less money, and force them to sell their website very cheaply.
For example a google competitor had a home related blog, and she had featured product details from some companies. As part of google, tata’s extremely vicious defamation campaign against the google competitor, NTRO and other officials falsely claimed that the content was written by the google, tata sponsored goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak, though she had not done any work at all, and not invested any money at all on the domain name.
If the cbi employee riddhi nayak was honest, she could have purchased the domain name, website paying the market price, however google, tata have encouraged intelligence and security agency employees to abuse their powers and grab websites for free.
So though almost all websites were deindexed in September October 2016, the home comfort blog was not deindexed because some R&AW/CBI employee wanted the blog

Tax payer money wasted to frame harmless website owners

In a major online fraud allegedly masterminded by tata, google employees since 2010, a huge amount of indian tax payer money is being wasted to frame harmless indian domain investors and website owners , to force them to sell their domain names and websites cheaply. Memory reading is used to find out which place the domain investor is planning to visit, and then the ntro, cbi employees are sending their associates for stalking and framing the harmless domain investor.
For example at an exhibition, suddenly the person selling stuff at the exhibition will disappear from the place where the items are being kept , to give the officials a chance to frame the domain investor and file a fake case against her.
So the domain investor is forced to keep the transaction value low to avoid being framed by NTRO, cbi employees and their associates.

Google, tata, ntro, cbi employees duping domain, website buyers worldwide

Not satisfied with stealing the resume, savings, correspondence and memory of a google competitor with a better 1989 jee rank than google ceo sundar pichai, the shameless section 420 fraud ntro, cbi employees freelancing for google, tata are duping domain, website buyers worldwide about the ownership of the domain names, websites , making it extremely difficult to get a fair price for the domain names, websites .
The fraud ntro, cbi employees are falsely claiming that 10 google, tata sponsored R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree, who do not spend any money on websites, domain names, own these websites to defame the google competitor and make it very difficult to sell the domain names,websites, and advertising . Like all frauds the ntro,cbi employees do not have the courage to face the domain investor who they are slandering
It appears that almost all countries with whom india has friendly relations are blindly believing the lies of the shameless section 420 fraud ntro, cbi employees. Only a few countries where officials appear to be knowing the domain investor and google competitor are realizing that the indian government is involved in a major financial fraud and are purchasing the domain names