If brahmin fraud NTRO employees want their good looking, charming girlfriends, to become famous as domain investor, they should use their salary,savings to legally purchase domain names for their favorite PROSTITUTE, fraud raw/cbi employees, who they have given fake references of a btech 1993 ee degree. These officials and their girlfriends should also pay the annual expenses for the domain names like all domain investors worldwide
When google,tata supplied lazy greedy goan bhandari R&AW employee PROSTITUTE sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc , siddhi mandrekar , riddhi nayak, indore fraud veena, asmita patel, naina, nayanshree hathwar and other fraud R&AW/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree had not invested any money in domain names, the Brahmin cheater, liar NTRO employees led by the light eyed domlur director puneet, j srinivasan had no right to falsely claim that these sex workers, cheater housewives who did not invest any money online, have not made any money online, were domain investors, online experts to get these 10 lazy greedy google,tata sponsored frauds, sex workers, a monthly government salary at the expense of the real domain investor
The shameless fraud brahmin ntro employees puneet, j srinivasan are very status conscious and will not communicate with their btech 1993 ee classmate, the real domain investor and google competitor in the last 25 years, who these ntro employees hate and consider her low status . Most people who are status conscious at least have the honesty and decency not to use the name of a person who they consider low status, will not interfere in the persons life , however the ntro employees led by puneet are shameless greedy, cunning cheaters, liars who are ruthless in destroying the life of their female engineering classmate who they hate
However in a major real estate, financial, online fraud in panaji, goa these fraud ntro employee falsely claim to know their btech 1993 ee classmate very well, so that they can misuse her name, steal her resume, savings, memory, correspondence for their favorite goan bhandari R&AW employee PROSTITUTE sunaina chodan 2013 bsc, supplied by google, tata to top indian government employees for sex , so that goan bhandari sex worker gets a monthly R&AW salary at the expense of their classmate without doing any work, without spending any money
Now the cheater liar ntro employees j srinivasan, puneet think that just because they repeated lies their favorite google,tata supplied goan bhandari R&AW employee PROSTITUTE sunaina chodan, offering sex services to ntro , government employees , automatically owns the domains of their classmate, when legally sunaina has not paid a single paisa for the domains and does not control them.
If cheater liar brahmin fraud j srinivasan, puneet were really honest, they would have used their salary money and savings to legally purchase the domains for their favorite goan bhandari R&AW employee PROSTITUTE sunaina chodan 2013 bsc and get the domains legally transferred to their favorite PROSTITUTE sunaina. In reality the ntro employees are shameless liars, cheaters so they are putting the real domain investor under surveillance and falsely claiming that the favorite goan bhandari R&AW employee PROSTITUTE sunaina chodan who is not doing any work online, is working online, owning domain names, to defame and deny the real domain investor, the income and opportunities she deserved
Can the ntro employees explain in an open debate how repeating lies makes their favorite google,tata supplied goan bhandari PROSTITUTE offering sex services, an online expert,domain investor legally, and why are they abusing their powers to make fake claims about domain ownership, defaming, cheating and exploiting the real domain investor?