Pakistan overjoyed at indian government policy of rewarding sindhi online fraudster pune axe bank manager nikhil premchandani, his brother karan, fraud school dropout mother naina premchandani with great powers, government salary
Though they are extremely rich, most sindhis are migrants from Pakistan. ISI and Pakistan are very happy with the indian government policy of rewarding sindhi banking fraudsters like kolhapur/panaji sindhi school dropout housewife naina premchandani, her scammer sons karan, pune axe bank manager nikhil premchandani with great powers, monthly government salary for faking bank account, domain ownership, online income to get great powers, monthly government salary at the expense of a marathi speaking single woman engineer from north karnataka
The single woman engineer is paying all the business expenses, doing all the computer work yet is getting nothing because of the indian government policy of rewarding sindhi scammers for BANKING,FINANCIAL FRAUD based on complete lies of cunning cheater LIAR top indian government employees parmar, nikhil shah, tushar parekh, puneet who have been seduced by the kolhapur/panaji sindhi scammer school dropout housewife naina premchandani and have abused their powers to get the sindhi sex queen naina premchandani, her scammer sons, karan, pune axe bank manager nikhil premchandani with great powers, monthly government salary for faking domain ownership including this one, online income, bank account since 2015
Though he is bank manager for more than 1.5 years the top sindhi SCAMMER raw employee pune axe bank manager nikhil premchandani refuses to legally open his own bank account, purchase domains legally, relies on his SEX BRIBE giving school dropout mother naina premchandani to offer SEX BRIBES to control the most powerful officials in india who abuse their powers, and make fake claims to get the sindhi scammer family great powers, monthly salary at the the expense of the single woman engineer, domain investor
This is posted as a fraud alert, so that people, companies and countries are aware that the sindhi scammers do not own websites, since they refuse to purchase the domains, though liar top government employees have been making fake claims since 2015.