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When school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina has no identity documents, on what basis is CBI claiming that she is a domain investor

One of the greatest frauds of the indian, goan government, ntro,. raw, cbi, security agencies is how they are justifying the monthly salary being paid to School dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina, who looks like actress sneha wagh, falsely claiming that she is an experienced engineer, when actually she is only a mediocre lazy greedy school dropout housewife who does not know anything, her husband controls all aspects of her life

The favorite school dropout of the indian and goan government is so dumb, that she does not have any identity documents with her, like most uneducated indian housewives she is completely dependent on her husband . Yet ntro,raw, cbi are such fraud agencies, that they shamelessly and falsely claim that the gujju housewife with no income of her own is a domain investor, owning this and other websites

It appears that the powerful shameless greedy frauds and liars, parmar,parekh, have finally realized that the School dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina will never match the domain investor and engineer, whose identity she stole to get a cbi job. in terms of work ethic, language skills,so they decided to apply for a voters id card of naina in her own name, instead of grabbing the identity of the domain investor.

They applied for the voter id card online, and when the election staff, visited her, she told them that she does not have any kind of documents in her name, despite staying there for more than 7-8 years, She also does not know anything, her husband controls all aspects of her life , exposing the extent of the google, tata, ntro, raw, cbi fraud of falsely claiming that the google, tata sponsored school dropout cbi employee is an experienced engineer, domain investor.

Any experienced engineer, will have sufficient documents with her or him, they will not depend on anyone else, most experienced engineers are independent

Repeated burglary, robbery, trespassing of domain investors house are evidence of R&AW,cbi, ntro, indian and state governments domain fraud

One of the greatest frauds of the indian and state governments, especially goan government is that they are falsely claiming that the domain investor is closely associated with R&AW/cbi/ntro employees to justify the identity, resume, savings, memory, correspondence theft of the domain investor and engineer.

However the fact is that R&AW/cbi/ntro employees are extremely powerful in india in 2018, and no one would dare to trespass, rob and burgle the home of the government employees and anyone closely associated with them, because action is taken against them.

In the book Calling Sehmat on which the movie Raazi was based, it is clear that anyone who is really associated with R&AW actually is getting a lot of help from the state and central government, while the domain investor actually owning this website is not getting even the basic security which all indian citizens are enjoying

Any law breakers are aware that these powerful government employees will immediately initiate action against them, to get them punished for breaking laws, crimes under the indian penal code. These government employees are also ruthless in destroying the life of innocent people against whom they have no evidence like the real; domain investor

Google, tata, ntro, R&AW, cbi have been extremely vicious in defaming, cheating and exploiting the domain investor, engineer in panaji, goa, making fake allegations without any proof and repeating these lies like parrots

They have ruined her reputation in panaji goa to such a great extent, that people think that they can criminally trespass, rob and burgle the house of the engineer in la campala colony, panaji, goa without any fear of being punished or investigated at all
The trespassers are also damaging the house, breaking the doors, stealing the taps, locks, ransacking the house and the engineer has to waste a lot of her time and money to undo the mess created . Every month she is forced to change the Godrej lock of her house

In almost every place in India, no one will repeatedly burgle, rob and trespass the home of a harmless hardworking single woman engineer with a good JEE rank, yet this domain investor has to tolerate these crimes in goa, because she has been viciously defamed by raw, cbi, ntro, google, tata , who are then falsely claiming that their associates, lazy greedy frauds are owning her domains

So the indian intelligence and security agencies should realize that when the harmless hardworking engineer is denied the basic security which everyone has, she cannot have any customers in India, she is not going to tolerate any more misuse of her name, and she will tell all her customers that she is not associated with indian intelligence and security agencies, and also tell the names of the raw/cbi employees and their associates who may be misusing her name

Foreign customers and intelligence agencies should be aware of the real raw/cbi employees who are getting a government salary and other privileges like ensuring that their homes are secure , not robbed and burgled repeatedly . Repeatedly robbery and burglary is very stressful for the home owner.

R&AW/cbi employees faking domain ownership purchase expensive Diwali lighting, refuse to purchase websites, domains

R&AW.cbi are wasting indian taxpayer money paying salaries to their lazy greedy google, tata sponsored sex worker, school dropout, fraud employees falsely claiming that they own this and other websites, when these indian government agencies are worse than the saudi killers of jamal khashoggi, unable to provide any evidence of website ownership, rely on the words of the section 420 fraud ntro employees who make completely fake claims just like the saudi killers

For Diwali 2018, so with the monthly cbi salary gifted by her powerful lover parmar and sugar daddy powerful fraud brahmin mhow cheater puneet , panaji most pampered school dropout cbi employee naina has decorated the ground floor of her house with white bulb string lighting and the first and second floor of her house with blue led rope lighting for diwali 2018.

The google, tata sponsored goan bhandari R&AW employee panaji prostitute sunaina chodan 2013 bsc, has decorated her home, with expensive lighting purchased from flipkart including a globe , and string lighting. More updates on panaji’s most pampered prostitutes diwali celebrations will be provided soon,

On the other hand, the real domain investor is broke, since she is paying all the expenses, doing all the work, while the prostitute, fraud pampering bribe taking ntro employees shamelessly make fake claims about website ownership to pamper their favorite sex workers, cheaters

An open question to R&AW/cbi when their lazy greedy fraud employees can purchase expensive lighting for their homes, why are they not paying the market price and purchasing the websites legally why are relying on saudi killer type LIAR FRAUD ntro employees who are making fake claims without any evidence at all about website ownership in a major financial fraud since 2010.
A website is available for sale for $19 for most domains, the lighting all these fraud raw/cbi employees are using will cost more, can the indian, goan government, cbi, ntro, justify this online, domain,financial fraud in an open debate

Like saudi killers MP government unable to provide any evidence of domain, website ownership of indore document robber R&AW employee housewife veena

Worldwide words are not enough, most governments are able to provide evidence to support their claims, especially for financial and legal matters. However in Goa, an experienced engineer has been viciously defamed since 2010, allegedly by top intelligence and security agency officials, wasting taxpayer money, to ruin the reputation of the engineer.

These officials think that the defamation will affect the engineer, and she will be willing to take up a job at a very low salary, so that they can make huge profits. However experienced engineers rely on evidence before taking any decisions, and when corrupt powerful top officials like hathwar, kodancha, nayak, mandrekar, caro, pritesh chodankar, naik, are making fake claims for more than 8 years, without any evidence at all, it only proves that these officials are lacking integrity and honesty. Though these officials are powerful, the engineer will never respect them

The Jamal Khashoggi killing again proves that the government of a country may make fake verbal claims, or change its statement at a later date, however the evidence remains the same, because it is the truth and the evidence is universally accepted. So clearly the top goan, karnataka, MP officials are like saudi killers lack integrity and honesty when they falsely claim that google, tata sponsored raw/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree have the resume, investment of an experienced single woman engineer, domain investor, since they cannot provide any evidence

8 years after the google, tata masterminded prostitution, bribery racket, banking, paypal fraud started, Like saudi killers Madhya pradesh MP government is unable to provide any evidence of domain, website ownership of indore document robber R&AW employee housewife veena, only repeating the words of the LIAR CHEATER ntro employees led by the brahmin mhow cheater puneet who hated the real domain investor and destroyed her life

R&AW,indian, MP and goan government has no evidence to prove that veena,indore R&AW employee robber, owns domains, has a btech 1993 ee degree

Well run , efficient Governments worldwide like the turkish government work on evidence, words are not enough, however the indian and state governments especially goan, MP, karnataka government , are the sole exception to the fact that law relies on evidence, they claim that words of liar NTRO employees are enough, and waste taxpayer money to pay salaries to call girls sunain chodan, siddhi mandrekar , cheater housewives, and other frauds with fake resume, savings, while viciously defaming, cheating and exploiting real domain investors

In another example of how the cruel mhow cheater ntro employee puneet manipulated the system so that the central and state government only relied on his lies, the mhow cheater ntro employee first destroyed the reputation of the google competitor circulating defamatory photos and videos of the engineer, a private citizen, spread false rumors of cheating, without any legally valid reason, wasting crores of indian taxpayer money since 2010, after faking his relationship with the engineer.

The indian government is paying a monthly salary to 10 google, tata sponsored goan prostitutes, cheater housewives, school dropouts, and other fraud raw/cbi employees especially indore document robber housewife veena , falsely claiming that these frauds are online experts, domain investors. However though the tata, google masterminded online, work at home fraud started in 2010, the indian government, google, tata, ntro cannot provide any evidence that the fraud raw/cbi employees , shameless liars own domain names or have answered JEE, have a btech 1993 ee degree

When will indian government stop wasting taxpayer money and look at evidence while taking decisions regarding the indian internet sector.

R&AW employees allegedly involved in panaji burglary on google competitors house to force domain sale

Some small clues can reveal a lot about a burglary, who is actually involved. It now appears that Goan gsb fraud R&AW employee siddhi mandrekar and her associates are involved in the burglary on the google competitors house on September 30, October 1, 2018 . One of the stranger parts of the burglary were that all electronic items were left untouched, while the taps in a bathroom were removed.

The burglars wanted the google competitor to rush to the police, file a complaint, and then the police would force her to sell her domain names to the goan gsb, bhandari officials at a very low price. The fraud goan officials who are already bribed by google, tata with jobs for their relatives , have already made it extremely difficult for the google competitor to get anyone to repair the house, demanding very high bribes.

A day after the robbery was detected, the google competitor got a phone call from a relative, who asked her why she was not answering the phone on the last few days. The google competitor said that she may have been in the bathroom, then the raw employee siddhi mandrekar, nayanshree hathwar who was tapping the conversation, said in a very surprised manner, that why the google competitor is not taking bath in the house which was burgled

The taps were stolen so that the google competitor would be forced to hire a plumber and waste a huge amount of money paying his repair charges , with bribes being paid to goan officials who were involved in the burglary

Goan bhandari R&AW employee call girl sunaina chodan, falsely claiming to own webconcepts

Though the lazy greedy panaji prostitute, google, tata sponsored Goan bhandari R&AW employee call girl sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc from goa university has not opened the bank account, has not registered the domain webconcepts, and is not paying any expenses, pampered by her PIMPS in google, tata, who market her sex services, LOVERS, sugar daddies mhow cheater puneet, j srinivasan, fraud relatives pritesh chodankar, the shamelss greedy panaji sex worker is allegedly falsely claiming to own the domain.
She is also duping people in panaji, with her lies, making it difficult for the google competitor to get orders
When the google competitor sent an invoice with the webconcepts bank account details to a flower plant buyer from panaji, she did not make payment
Instead the campal flower plant buyer repeatedly sent the message
u gv me ur bk number n which bk otherwise forget it

u gv me ur bk number n which bk otherwise forget it

It appears that someone told her not to make payment, and told her to get the personal or paypal account details, which will not be provided

Why are NTRO employees not harassing, torturing indore fraud R&AW employees veena, deepika, naina for their domain/website fraud

The NTRO employees led by j srinivasan, puneet, parmar, patel, vijay claim to very honest role model citizens, and since 2010, they have wasted more than Rs 30 crore of indian tax payer money, in stalking, defaming, cheating, exploiting and torturing a harmless single woman engineer, domain investor and google competitor falsely claiming that they are very worried about her honesty

These fraud ntro employees have also got lucreative raw/cbi jobs for indore fraud R&AW employees document robbers veena, deepika and others, falsely claiming that the indore fraudsters and others who do not spend any money online, own the domain names of the google competitor so that they get a monthly salary, while the google competitor is getting nothing despite spending a lot of money and time online.

The ntro employees started making the fake claims since 2010, and the domain investor has listed most of the domains for sale, at a very low price, because she cannot afford to pay renewal expenses, has no other source of income,yet the fraud ntro/raw/cbi employees getting a monthly government salary do not have the honesty and humanity to pay the market price and purchase the domain names legally, rely on the liar cheater ntro employees to abuse their powers and make fake claims about domain ownership

The greedy shameless fraud raw/cbi employees are aware of the fact that legally owning domain names is very expensive, advertising revenues are so low, due to the google online fraud, that it is not even possible to cover the renewal cost for almost all the domain names. They are also aware of the fact that the indian government blindly believes in the lies of the cheater liar ntro, google, tata employees. So these fraud ntro/raw/cbi employees are defaming the google competitor in the worst possible manner, and then falsely claiming that their girlfriends, relatives and bribe giving frauds own the domain names, in a major financial fraud

Can the NTRO employees explain why the raw/cbi employees are not paying the market prioce, and purchasing the domains legally, why instead of harassing, torturing the real domain investor, why are they not harassing, torturing indore fraud R&AW employees veena, deepika, naina, riddhi nayak, sunaina, siddhi, asmita patel, nayanshree hathwar, ruchika for their domain/website, banking, financial fraud , making fake claims about domain/website ownership

Why are brahmin fraud ntro employees not legally purchasing the domain names, websites of google competitor for their favorite goan call girls, frauds

Though the lazy greedy google, tata sponsored goan bhandari panaji prostitute R&AW employee sunaina chodan 2013 bsc from goa university has never done any work online in her life, never invested any money online in her life, and has a steady boyfriend driving a grey scooter J8651 for more than one year, the powerful fraud Brahmin liar ntro employee j srinivasan is so madly in love with goan bhandari panaji prostitute R&AW employee sunaina chodan , that he continues to abuse his powers and falsely claims that the lazy greedy panaji call girl is working online, was his btech 1993 ee classmate

Income tax returns, bank details will legally prove that the goan call girl sunaina is getting a monthly indian government salary for having SEX with powerful men, yet her shameless fraud lovers , relatives like pritesh chodankar, sugar daddies like j srinivasan, mhow cheater puneet, google, tata pimps , continue to waste tax payer money to dupe people, companies and countries that the goan sex worker sunaina, only interested in sex services,is an online expert, domain investor , owning the websites of a google competitor, who the ntro employees especially j srinivasan hate

Almost all the websites which the shameless goan sex worker sunaina falsely claims to own, have news of her sex services , yet she, her pimps and sugar daddies continue to shamelessly and falsely claim that the goan bhandari sex worker owns the websites and is posting her sex stories online regularly in one of the greatest online financial frauds in the world.

The domains, websites of the google competitor are listed for sale, however the greedy fraud well paid ntro employees refuse to pay the market price, and purchase the domains, websites legally for their favorite goan sex workers, fraud raw/cbi employees , yet continue to make fake claims about the ownership of the websites, so that their favorite sex workers, frauds get a monthly raw/cbi salary at the expense of the domain investor, in a major financial fraud since 2010.

Can the indian government explain why good looking raw/cbi employees are not purchasing domains legally ?

In an open case of discrimination in India, the indian government bribed by google, tata is openly pampering and rewarding lazy greedy mediocre fraud women just because they have flawless skin,. and open discriminating against single women engineers with a good JEE rank, refusing to acknowledge their financial and other rights

The indian rupee is crashing against the US dollar as the endless frauds of the indian government, R&AW, cbi, ntro, security agencies are exposed and the fact that top indian government officials, leaders are shameless liars, cheaters and frauds, with no professional and personal integrity, who will shamelessly lie if bribed with money, sex, jobs for their relatives and friends by greedy fraud companies like google, tata.

Led by the shameless cruel fraud brahmin LIAR ntro employee mhow cheater fair skinned light eyed puneet, these shameless fraud ntro employees are putting women domain investors under surveillance and falsely claiming that their lazy greedy mediocre cheater girlfriends with flawless skin who are not doing any work online, not investing any money online, are online experts, domain investors to get these good looking frauds raw/cbi jobs at the expense of the real domain investor, google competitor

No one has stopped the shameless lazy greedy fraud ntro employees like mhow cheater puneet who splurges money on ESCORTS, j srinivasan, . his lazy greedy shameless cheater girlfriends in R&AW/cbi like indore fraud veena , deepika, nayanshree, gujju school dropout naina, riddhi nayak, asmita patel, ruchika., goan bhandari prostitute sunaina chodan and other frauds from paying the market price of the domains and getting them legally transferred to their name. These women have plenty of money to purchase expensive Rs 12 lakh cars for their children, go on foreign trips, yet refuse to pay the market price of domain names

Though the ntro domain, banking, bribery fraud, sex racket, started in 2010, the fraud ntro employees and their lazy greedy girlfriends in raw/cbi are refusing to pay the market price of domain names, yet shamelessly and falsely claim to own the domains of a private citizen, google competitor to get a monthly government salary at the expense of the google competitor in a major financial fraud of the indian government