Husband of greedy gujju stock trader amita patel helps her fake domain ownership, get government salary

Though she was initially marketed as an self made woman, increasingly it is apparent that like most domain, banking fraudster raw/cbi employees faking ownership of this and other websites to get a monthly government salary , Greedy gujju stock trader FRAUD raw employee amita patel is just a puppet of her shameless fraud husband jitubhai who is extremely ruthless in cheating, exploiting, robbing, hardworking single woman engineers, migrant from north karnataka to get his lazy greedy fraud wife amita patel a monthly government salary and great powers for faking ownership of this and other domains.

Though the cunning cruel bengaluru brahmin cheater puneet, originally from mhow mp HATED his female btech 1993 ee classmate from iit bombay, migrant from north karnataka and has allegedly done everything possible to destroy her life completely, FAKING friendship to ROB her resume, data, savings and everything else to get 7-8 of his lazy greedy fraud girlfriends like Greedy gujju stock trader FRAUD raw employee amita patel government jobs in the indian internet sector FAKING online income, domain ownership, it is an indication of widespread government FRAUD in the indian internet sector, that the government, tech and internet companies continue to blindly believe bengaluru brahmin fraud puneet and his fake claims of domain ownership and online income since 2010
Initially everyone believed bengaluru brahmin fraud puneet FAKE FRIENDSHIP stories since he was an excellent actor, so the greediest gujju stock trader amita patel pretended that she had achieved everything on her own. After the domain investor has lived in the metro city again for 3 years without any major problem, it is clear that cunning cruel bengaluru brahmin cheater puneet HATED her, destroyed her life with his fake help fraud and never helped her at all,

So now almost all the social media posts of domain fraudster Greedy gujju stock trader FRAUD raw employee amita patel who continues to get a monthly government salary for faking domain ownership including this one, feature her husband who has supported her in all her frauds, helping her cheat the real domain investor, migrant from north karnataka of Rs 15 lakh annually since 2013.
It is an indication of government fraud in the internet sector, that domain fraudster raw/cbi employees like Greedy gujju stock trader FRAUD raw employee amita patel with net worth of more than Rs 100 crore refuse to purchase the domains, though they fake ownership and get monthly government salaries.

Author: admin